l2fater 发布于2022年1月21日 04:29 分享 发布于2022年1月21日 04:29 原文地址: https://maxcheaters.com/topic/49948-usefull-sql-scripts/ 0 Weight for items/armors/weapons: 装备武器道具负重为0 UPDATE `etcitem` SET `weight`=0 WHERE (SELECT item_id); UPDATE `armor` SET `weight`=0 WHERE (SELECT item_id); UPDATE `weapon` SET `weight`=0 WHERE (SELECT item_id); Drop Adena 100%: 金币掉率为100% UPDATE `droplist` SET `chance`='1000000' WHERE `itemId`='57'; When you sell, everything will cost 0 adena: 出售道具价格为0 UPDATE `armor` SET price=0 where price > 1; UPDATE `etcitem` SET price=0 where price > 1; UPDATE `weapon` SET price=0 where price > 1; Update all RaidBoss 5000k hp: Boss血量 UPDATE `npc` SET `hp`='5000000' WHERE (SELECT id) AND npc.type='L2Raidboss'; Delete all mobs under 40 lvl: 删除40级以下怪物刷新 DELETE spawnlist, npc FROM spawnlist, npc WHERE spawnlist.npc_templateid=npc.idTemplate AND npc.level<40 AND npc.type='L2Monster'; Delete all materials and recipes from db: 数据库内删除制作材料及制作卷轴 DELETE FROM droplist WHERE itemid IN (SELECT item_id FROM etcitem WHERE item_type= 'material' OR item_type= 'recipe' ); Increase drop rate for recipes: 提升制作卷轴掉率 UPDATE droplist SET chance='1000000' WHERE id IN (SELECT item_id FROM etcitem WHERE type='recipe'); Delete characters and accounts if they do not connect for 3 months: 删除3个月以上不活跃玩家 DELETE FROM characters WHERE lastAccess < 466560000; DELETE FROM accounts WHERE lastactive < 466560000; Add for all monsters in drop: Coins 所有怪物增加指定掉落(如:各类金币) insert into droplist (mobId, itemid, chance, min, max,category) select id, 4037, 1000000, 1, 1, 52 from npc where type='L2Monster'; Increases Guards (p.def, m.def, p.atk, hp) by 50%: 提升 警卫 属性 UPDATE npc SET pdef = pdef * 1.5 WHERE type = 'L2Guard'; UPDATE npc SET hp = hp * 1.5 WHERE type = 'L2Guard'; UPDATE npc SET patk = patk * 1.5 WHERE type = 'L2Guard'; UPDATE npc SET mdef = mdef * 1.5 WHERE type = 'L2Guard'; Decreases Raidboss defense by 40%: 降低/提升 狩猎首领 防御 UPDATE npc SET pdef = pdef * 0.6 WHERE type = 'L2RaidBoss'; UPDATE npc SET hp = hp * 0.6 WHERE type = 'L2RaidBoss'; UPDATE npc SET mdef = mdef * 0.6 WHERE type = 'L2RaidBoss'; All new player chars spawn loc: 数据库内设置 玩家新建角色 出生坐标 UPDATE char_templates SET x=yourXcoordinate; UPDATE char_templates SET y=yourYcoordinate; UPDATE char_templates SET z=yourZcoordinate; Teleports cost 0 adena: 传送金币为0 UPDATE teleport SET price=0; 引用 意见的链接 分享到其他站点 更多分享选项...
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